Saturday, May 26, 2012

I may be crazy...

Book crazy that is.

I go through these phases where I just cannot read enough. There's something so therapeutic about shutting out the real world and escaping into a book. I thoroughly enjoy becoming completely immersed into a characters thoughts and life. So much so, that I am often saddened to finish a book simply because I feel like I am losing my connection with a really good friend.

As you probably can tell, I am going through one of those periods of reading books back to back or even several at a time. I used to never be able to read more than one thing at a time, but now I find myself sometimes keeping one book in my purse, a back up in the car, one in each bathroom and a couple going on my Kindle Fire. To keep from losing interest in a good book or becoming confused about a story line, I'm trying to limit myself to one fiction book at a time.

Right now I am not completely comfortable with my book review skills and that is something that I hope to improve on over time with practice. But I have found recently that I enjoy writing about what I'm reading. Plus I am really forgetful and if I don't write about it right away I won't be able to tell you anything about the book later except for whether I liked it or not.

Oh! I was going to tell you why I am crazy! So over the past week, I've been suffering pretty hard from migraine headaches and today my brain just would not allow me to focus on my current read (The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies)) so instead I started looking for other books to right. That in of itself is a little crazy since my bookshelf currently holds over a hundred unread books from a local book fair I like to frequent twice a year, but I also already have about ten books already checked out from my local library through Overdrive. Since I only have 21 days for each book, I don't want to check out too many at one time. Luckily, they allow me to place books on a wish list. For a couple hours I just browsed around the Overdrive site and various other websites looking for books that seemed interesting. I just checked my list and was startled to find that I had placed 34 books on my wish list. At least next time I need a book I won't have to do much searching!!! Of course this is not to say that I will not happily accept any recommendations you may throw my way!

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