Sunday, July 29, 2012

Outlander Read-a-long Final!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Outlander for this read along. I did end up getting a bit behind due to personal illness, but am finally caught up now. 

Here are the final questions/answers.

1. Jaime has the worst case of seasickness. Do you get seasickness or motion sickness? If not, is there something else that makes your stomach a bit queasy? Thankfully, I do not have motion sickness. I am unsure of seasickness as I haven't been on a boat since I was very young.

2. How did you handle reading the details of Jamie’s torture at the hands of Randall? Did you blame Jamie for anything that happened during the encounter with the captain? If you were Claire, how do you think you would have taken hearing about the abuse from your husband? What did you think of Claire’s method’s to get Jamie to start healing psychologically from his wounds from Randall (when she filled his room with opium and simulated another attack by the Captain)? Man that was brutal! I really almost had to stop reading as Jamie went into detail about the horrible things Randall did to him. I do not think I could remain as outwardly calm as Claire did hearing Jamie recount his torture. I imagine she must have been tore apart inside. When she begin filling the room with opium, I honestly thought she was about to take off his injured hand. I don't know that what she did was the best method, she could have killed them both in the process. Thank goodness it worked!

3.  “history, warfare, medicine, sex, violence, spirituality, honor, betrayal, vengeance, hope and despair, relationships, the building and destruction of families and societies, time travel, moral ambiguity, swords, herbs, horses, gambling (with cards, dice, and lives), voyages of daring, journeys of both body and soul…you know the usual stuff of literature.”
Which of the above elements of Outlander were you most looking forward to? Which did you enjoy the most while reading? Which did you enjoy the least while reading? Which did you just not care about? Any of these do you which there were more of? Or less of? I was looking forward to the time travel aspect but was completely blown away by the romance! She really did a great job making me care about Claire and Jamie. I felt their love. Sometimes the history stuff got a little bland, but luckily she moved on soon enough before it got too boring.

4. Share with us your overall thoughts on Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Your favorite quotes, scenes, and/or your favorite words that had you searching for a dictionary. If you haven’t been marking your favorite quotes/passages, you can find Outlander quotes on Goodreads. Outlander is a great book. There were times when I felt like I would never finish it because of the length but I never got tired of it. Diana Gabaldon does a great job of making the characters feel real. The romance was quite possibly the best I've read, especially on Claire and Jamie's honeymoon. 

“For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. It is all. It is undying. And it is enough.” This was my favorite quote because it is just so true.

I do plan on continuing on to the second book of the series but will be taking a break to read the other books I placed on hold!

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