Sunday, July 29, 2012

Outlander Read-a-long Week 5

This week's questions were presented by Logan E Turner for chapters 29-35

1. We are now settled into life at Lallybroch. What are your impressions of this place, and Ian and Jenny Murray? How do the stories of Jamie’s life here growing up shape your feelings toward him? I really enjoyed getting a picture of Jamie from his childhood. Jenny is a wonderful character, a perfect female version of Jamie himself. 

2. What do you think of the story of what really happened between Jenny and Jack Randall? Could you have been as bold as Jenny? Does this change your understanding of Randall? Jenny did exactly what I imagine Jamie would have done. She's strong willed and deviant. It took much more bravery to stand up to Randall and mock him than it would have to simply endure his assault. By mocking him she could have beaten much more severely once he was angry. Randall is a very sick man. He makes my blood boil.

3. For the second time, we see Claire warning a Fraser about future events. Do you think this is wise? Or does this mess with history/the space-time continuum/the natural order of things? I don't see how she has any other choice. Everything she does, her mere existence messes with history. But at the same point, this is her reality now and she needs to protect herself and those she loves.

4. Do you consider Claire brave or foolish for going after Jamie? Would you be courageous enough to go into enemy territory to try and save the man you love? Absolutely not! I'd go after my husband without a moment's hesitation. That's what you do for love. 

5. Jamie makes a gut-wrenching decision in Chapter 35. Do you blame Claire for putting him in that position? What kinds of repurcussions do you expect? Yes, but it's not like she did it on purpose. She was simply trying to free him. Unfortunately, Randall is only encouraged by the drama and Jamie will be the one to pay.

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